The VSProwess Software
Originally conceived as an in-field QC system, VSProwess was first introduced to the world at the 1992 Paris EAGE meeting.
Clean design
Seismic data processing is a challenging task. Often involving a good deal of routine house-keeping. The clean and efficient design of our software frees our team of VSP processors to concentrate on geophysics and the modular structure enables new capabilities to be easily added to the software as required.
Re-designed and re-written
Our current software, the result of the 5-year "X" project, represents a complete re-design and re-implementation of the legacy product. Vastly improved throughput supports even the largest 3D DAS datasets. The advanced 3D data handling and integrated modeling tools enable our staff geophysicists to deliver the very best results to our clients.
The History
VSProwess was conceived as an easy to use, flow chart driven processing system.
1989 Rigpro in-field processing
1991 VSProwess on UNIX work stations.
1992 VSProwess flow chart approach demonstrated at Paris EAGE exhibition.
1994 VSProwess converted to Windows NT.
2009 VSProwess Ltd formed and first 3D 3C VSP processed by VSProwess.
2010 We conceive and plan an advanced product (project X).
2012 Final release 2.05 of the legacy package. All development resources move to project X.
2015 First release of the new software to our internal geophysicists.
2016 Full version released to qualified customers only.
2017 Lite version released to 2.05 users with current maintenance and support.
Why are there Full and Lite versions?
The full version is a powerful and consequently rather expensive product. Users of the full version typically require extensive training and significant open-ended technical support. The full version is therefore available only for multi-year rental and only to suitably experienced processing professionals. The Lite version has an identical user interface but provides only a limited subset of the processing tools sufficient for in-field quality control and basic processing.
As a full user can I open a job created by Lite?
Yes but the converse is not necessarily true. Lite users may open a job created by a full user if that job contains only modules that are part of the Lite subset.
Can I open a 2.05 job?
Unfortunately no. There are simply too many changes for this to be possible.
Can I continue to run 2.05?
Yes, not a problem because 2.05 has a completely different folder structure. Our intention is for Lite to eventually supplant the legacy 2.05 software but although no longer supported, 2.05 does run on Windows 10 so will remain a useful tool for some years to come.
Is there a LINUX version?
Although the initial versions were written for UNIX workstations the software is currently available only for Windows.
What versions of Windows are supported?
The software now requires Windows 10.
What programming language do you use?
The software is written exclusively using C++17.